

Lisa is a Licensed Hair and Makeup Artist based in LA.

True Story: LA Metro


Happy 2021 everyone! I thought I would start this year off with sharing a story that doesn’t seem real except that it was.

My first week taking the train in Los Angeles was something out of a movie. It wasn’t a Hallmark movie where I would bump into a cute guy at the coffee shop on Monday only to continue to run into him throughout the rest of the week.

It was more of a downward spiral that kept going.

I have had years taking nothing but public trains in Chicago and while in New York City. Have I seen some wild things in either city of course, but NOTHING was like what I endured that initial week in LA train life.

Thursday morning of September 6, 2019:

I was casually on my laptop doing some morning work on my 30 minute commute to downtown LA. Out of the corner of my eye I see two men get into a fight. Whereas majority of people seated have by now gotten up and moved to the opposite side of the train car, I stay where I am. A fight on public transportation is nothing new to me, so I was like “you do you guys”.

One of them though then reached into their pockets and that’s when people rushed to the door. He quickly pulls out a black object and at this point I start getting up and turn to look at them to see what is going on. He goes to use the object on the other man and while he is releasing the contents, the man is pushing him.

Once the train gets to the next stop, everyone gets off and hurriedly shuffles into the next train car. While in the switch I notice that my eyes are starting to get really irritated and my nose is burning when I inhale. Panicked, I ask the woman next to me what was sprayed. Annoyed, she turns to me and says:

“It was mace.”

Trying to remain calm, as I very quickly lose my ability to open my eyes at all, I go for my water bottle. I start pouring water into my hands and drench my eyes. While trying to flush out all the chemicals, a good Samaritan notices my clear struggle and asks if I am OK. He offers me eye drops and I start going to town. I say thanks and return the now almost empty eye drop bottle. I notice you can almost swim in the aisle from all the water I dumped.

Photo of me after attempting to flush all the mace out of my eyes on the train.

Photo of me after attempting to flush all the mace out of my eyes on the train.

I get to my stop and my contacts are WACK by now. I get to the office and clean my face in the bathroom. I pour myself a cup of coffee and get back to work.

Monday evening earlier that week I sat in pee on my way home from work, so it was a great week all in all.

So many times during a month you experience something that leaves you in disbelief. Either something so amazing that it’s almost too good to be true or something terrible that it makes you think it can’t be real life.

The attack on the US Capital on Wednesday the 6th* was the latter. I posted this on my Facebook and thought it was fitting to add to the blog as well:

I have been trying to find the words all day to express my thoughts on the complete disrespect for our country displayed at the US Capital today. These MAGA supporters are supposed to be all about “making America great” in what world was what took place in DC today at all a reflection of a great nation? Trump and his cult following all should be held responsible for their unlawful actions. He didn’t win by any measure and his continual denial of Biden’s victory is only causing the utmost harm as clearly shown today. It’s hard especially now to see any glimmer of hope for a brighter more unified day. I read Stacey Abrams tweet from a little bit ago and I felt some of my optimism about the future of America return. I’d thought I would share:

“While today’s terrible display of terror and meanness shakes us, let’s remember: @ossoff, Jewish son of an immigrant & @ReverendWarnock, first Black Senator from Georgia, will join a Catholic POTUS & the first woman, Black + Indian VP in our nation’s capital. God bless America.”**

When times are so unbelievable that you think John Quiñones*** will be coming out from behind somewhere with a camera crew, just be you. Just know that no matter how bad it might be in the moment, it will get better. If something too good to be true happens to you take it in, you deserve it.


For more resources and to help ensure everyone gets the chance to vote go to Fair Fight

Check on your mental health: it’s ok not to be ok and It Gets Better


*Pro-Trump supporters breached the US Capital on January 6, 2021

**Tweet from Stacey Abrams January 6, 2021 at 4:46 PM

***John Quiñones is the host of “What Would You Do?” broadcasted on ABC

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