‘Tis the season for pumpkins and dark lips. Fall truly is the best season of all. Sweater weather and an abundance of soup options is bound to cheer up anyone feeling extra down right now.
This month however felt heavier than previous months personally. Finding the right way to say anything on a blog gave me major anxiety, to where I couldn’t bare to open up my computer. There have been some studies by psychologists on social anxiety and the internet.* There are some that say that someone who struggles with social anxiety thrives with the lack of in-person interaction of the web. Others state that they can be one in the same. My experience this past month felt very similar to the latter.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor there were 12.6 million people on unemployment as of the end of September. Within that, 4.6 million people have been temporarily laid off because of the pandemic.**
My struggle with the unemployment process is a story within itself, maybe I’ll do a post on it at a later date. With the entertainment industry being the first to shut down and most likely the last to come back, I was feeling pretty hopeless in my future. At this time, the lease to my apartment was fast approaching and my roommate was leaving. Not the most ideal time to figure out your living situation, but the show must go on. All of this plus everything else society is dealing with, made it a hard month to say the least.
It is almost Halloween time and spooky vibes are something that have been apparent the entire year. 2020 has been a living horror film, that would make you cover your eyes and spill your popcorn. When it feels like it can’t get any worse it somehow has. With the trees changing colors and shedding leaves, may that be a reminder that we too can take this time to change how we perceive our world.
If you are struggling or feeling hopeless right now, just know that you are not alone.
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that anxiety disorders affect 40 million US adults age 18 and older.***
Reach out to those around you and have that cry session. Look at all the good in your life (i.e. family and friends) even when if feels like it’s never going to get better. Autumn may see less of that sunshine, but like Florence + the Machine once said “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”****
So, stock up on all those fall inspired Trader Joe’s products, join a book club and go vote!
If you haven’t yet, make your voter plan
For resources on coping with anxiety
Check on your metal health: it’s ok not to be ok and It Gets Better
*For further social anxiety and the digital age reading this article can be helpful.
**For the most up to date employment stats check out The Bureau Of Labor Statistics
***If you are looking for ways to cope with anxiety due to the pandemic this article from Forbes is great.
****Florence + the Machine “Shake it Out”, 2011
Also, If you are dealing with election anxiety, please reference this article by NPR.